I’m Ryan Mark , and I love to bring projects to life.

Waterloo Mechatronics engineer and software developer.

I find great pleasure in creating various things, ranging from 3D prints to hackathon builds, as well as taking on more extensive projects, like revamping the engineering orientation website of the University of Waterloo, and contributing to software solutions during my internships.

It has been a pleasure to work with a variety of companies, including AutoTrader, the Institute of Quantum Computing, and Plan Group; I have been able to create real-world value with software solutions and projects. That is what engineering is all about - and I am excited to continue to learn and grow as an engineer.

In the past two years, I participated in over 15 hackathons MLH creating a variety of projects from a Unity game, full-stack websites, a Chrome extension, and a few hardware projects. It has been a joy to be a part of the computer science community, building these great projects and working with wonderful teammates each time. In this time, I was a winner for different hackathon events at Georgia Tech Hacks 2022, McGill Hacks 2023, uOttaHacks 2023, and of note, I won with my partner 1st place overall at Michigan Hacks. Now, I spend my free time helping organize UofT Hacks from the logistics side and helping build the admin portal.

The technology field has never been more exciting, and I am excited to be a part of it and contribute 😎.

Experiences 💻

  1. AutoTrader

    Database Developer


    Working on MS SQL and Azure DevOps to enhance database design and write scripts to optimize stored procedures making improvements that reduced CPU consumption by 62% in production database discs.
    Implemented new features to website to improve revenue

    Created Azure Pipelines to improve CI/CD deployment process

  2. Full Stack Developer

    Waterloo Engineering Orientation

    Successfully led a year-long migration project to rebuild a website from scratch, replacing PHP with React frontend and Docker as the backend infrastructure to enhance the reliability and function of the website.
    Effectively managed a SQL database of over 2,000 participating students, displaying strong attention to detail and organizational skills.

  3. Plan Group

    Electrical Designer

    Plan Group

    Designed and implemented document control app resulting in tens of hours of time savings each week using APIs.
    Create large scale budgets for infrastructure projects reading engineering codes.

  4. Institute of Quantum Computing

    Engineering Designer

    Institute of Quantum Computing

    Contributed on the design of novel quantum optical beam delivery system for a major project involving trapped ions.
    Developed a software solution for automating pegboard design using pyInventor libraries and creating a GUI for users to input design parameters, resulting in the generation of an Inventor file saving 60% time.

  5. Software Researcher

    Faculty of Engineering

    Created a tracking software using OpenCV to track a golf ball under different lighting conditions.

Featured Projects👨‍💻

I like to build projects and explore new technology. See some of my favourite projects that I have worked on.

  • LumiGUI

    A more inclusive, contact-free experience for all form users. 1st Place Overall at MHacks 2023.

  • Practice Pedals

    High performance pedalboard for guitarists with rewards, built with Arduino. Winner at Georgia Tech Hack 2022.

  • Rad Kitchen

    Chrome extension that generated recipes based on the ingredients. Winner at McGill Hacks 2023.

  • Sketchify

    Create targetted consumer advertisements that capture brand identity.

  • tAIlor

    Accessible madlibs style image generator powered with AI. Winner at uOttaHack V 2022.

  • She-Builds

    A program that offers connections, mentorships, and projects for young women in STEM.